Friday, July 2, 2010

Lyme Specialist

So yesterday I went to a Lyme Specialist. The first Lyme Specialist that I've been to. I spent about 3 hours in his office being asked question after question after question, so the doctor could get a better feel of what I am fighting!

The Lyme in my body is affecting my; brain, heart, musculoskeletal system, and my nervous system. Next week I will start taking vitamins through an IV to get my body balanced and to see how I respond to them. I will also have some labs done to see if I have any major co-infections that we should be worried about.

I have a rare co-infection that the doctor has seen about 2 or 3 times. It's called Ehrilichia. It is dropping my white blood count drastically, and that is another reason why I will begin taking nutrients and things through the IV.

I've never had that done before so i'm a bit nervous, but hopefully it will help me feel better and get me on the right path!! :)

One more test that I will be having done is called MSA. It is a computerized energy test where they attach things to my hands and feet and on the computer it shows whether I have any other infections and it also possibly shows how they could be treated!

It'll be interesting to see what that leads too...!


  1. Alexa, what time are you going to be there on Wednesday?

    I'll be there around 2:30 on Wednesday too. How did your Mom know that we had just missed each other? I wish I had known you were going to be there I would have waited around. My IV begins around 3 and will end around 3:30 give or take (my Iron only lasts 30 minutes).

  2. My next treatment is also on Wednesday 3pm. (the 14th). I go in on the 28th at 8 (I think)for blood work.

  3. Hi Alexa, I'm finally catching up on my blog reading once again. I took some time off. Did you and my daughter ever get in touch? She's back from vacation now and has PLENTY of time to chat online over email or whatever works for you.

    I'm SO EXCITED you went to the LLMD and he's getting things figured out. I have ehrlichia, too, along with all the other main co-infections. I have babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, lyme (b. garinii, not b. bergdorferi), rocky mountain spotted fever and mycoplasmas. It seems like such a list but I am doing well and recovering step by step. A good LLMD is invaluable! And, it is SO NICE when a doctor understands, can figure out what is going on and knows what should help.

    I hope you are doing well and I hope the IVs went well. IVs and I are old friends. I have done my time on those.

    Love and hugs ~Kara

  4. Hi Alexa, Got your note. Anna's email is 42mermaid at gmail dot com. I noticed she mis-typed it below. This is the correct address. I told Anna what you said and she is looking forward to getting an email from you. I am just relieved you have a brilliant doctor who can help you heal. If you ever want to get together and chat about co-infections and related symptoms just let me know. Or your Mom can email me. Hope the IVs are working well for you and you are feeling a bit better. Keep in touch and take care! ~Kara
