Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not many people have, or know they have Lyme Disease. But those who do have it know that it is tough. Tough to fight, to go through. I am one of those people.

Since I was 11 years old, Lyme has been on my back, taking me down. Making me sick, and tired. I didn't exactly know that it was Lyme that I was fighting. All that I knew was that every 6-8 weeks, I would be sleeping on the bathroom floor in deep pain and agony. Grasping my stomach with my knees to my chest. Trying hard to get an hour of sleep without awakening to throw up.
Waiting for the 10 horrible days of these feelings to be up.

Of course, when those 10 days were up, I still felt something fighting me, but it was never quite as bad as those 10 days.
The thing was, I knew that 6-8 weeks later, the same thing would happen again.

I have been tested for everything you could ever think of.
-Chrones, Ciliac, Mono, Gull Stones, Autoimmune disorders, and many other things.

I have had 15 different panels of blood drawn from my veins.
I have also had ultra-sounds, GI tests (the berium was DISGUSTING :)!), even surgery!
But not one doctor has found any kind of answer.

I have even been tested for Lyme twice. But those both came back negative because the doctors didn't do a full Lyme check, and of course they couldn't read the results.

I have learned that you really can't trust all the doctors out there. Like the infectious disease doctor at Duke told me that there was no such thing as Lyme Disease in North Carolina. He told me that what I was feeling was all in my head.

Homeopathic doctors/ Herbalists know what they're talking about. I have actually been to both. The real key to staying healthy and fighting a disease is keeping yourself healthy.
You need to eat right to stay healthy and fight diseases. I'm talking all greens and fruit, with the occasional meat or fish.

I know what you are thinking, how on earth would you ever be able to only eat greens and fruit when you see all the sugary foods out there! Well it's not so bad after all. I am a 13 year old girl and I never thought that I would be able to only eat greens and fruit, especially seeing what everyone else eats at the lunch table everyday! But no worries, it's easier than it sounds. And once you start eating like that, you will see how much better it makes you feel! If I can do it, anyone can do it.

1 comment:

  1. OK, this is a bit crazy. I just got your message on our blog -- the crazy part is, blogger says it's rejecting my comments. But obviously it isn't because you got it. The wonders of technology never cease. :-) I have a computer science degree and I still feel the best thing about a computer is often the off switch. LOL! I will watch for your mom's email. Or one from you.

    No, we do not live in NC. Jennifer does though. We live in Texas. West of Ft. Worth.

    {{hugs}} ~Kara
