Monday, June 28, 2010


Wow, tomorrow is my graduation from 8th grade. On to highschool! Me and my friend are going to be singing "The Climb"(miley cyrus) tomorrow at the ceremony. Thank God I haven't been sick lately, so i'll be feeling good for the show tomorrow :) (KNOCK ON WOOD!!)

Now it's on to highschool! My antibiotics really seem to be helping, so I will have a fresh start hopefully feeling good for highschool :D!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Next Step

A couple days ago I went back to my doctor to find out the next step since I've been taking amoxicilin. He told me he wanted to keep me on it for another 3 weeks and then see how I am feeling.

I have been feeling good, thank God, and this is my due-time to get sick, and I haven't!! :) (knock on wood)

The thing is I am on 500 mg of amoxicilin a day. Everyday. It is helping me feel better so far, that's just a lot of drugs for me only being 14.

The only things that have been bothering me are headaches, and the occasional stomach ache, but I have not gotten sick like vomit, diarrhea sick, which at this time I usually do.

The doctor suggested to us the Hyperbaric Oxygen way to kill the parasite, but it's hard to know what to do. So for now I am on the amoxicilin. I'm just very thankful it's keeping me from getting sick.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The aches & pains

So today I am doing good. We took my dog for a walk, and the thing I notice is being in the sun bothers me. The hot sun beaming down on me feels like it's communicating with the parasites. It just makes me feel run down, exhausted, kind of sickly feeling.

I also have been noticing a lot of pain/aches in my back. I have like a line of knots going down my back, in my neck, and even up against my skull. Like right on the line between my skull and my neck. I went to get a massage today and it loosens it up, but you just need to release all that tension.

The stress of being sick, just goes right to your neck. It hurts!

The lady who gave me my massage today was good with reflexology. There is a spot in your foot that is connected to every section of your body. Where I am sick from the Lyme is mostly my stomach.
The lady massaged the spot in my foot that was connected to my stomach, and there was a huge knot. Also there was a huge not that was connected to my large intestines. It just showed that, that's where the parasite is and that I have pain there. It is good to massage there though because it eventually helps you feel better in that area.

The bad thing is, as you rub it you feel the pain in that area, so for a while after my stomach hurt.