Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Next Step

A couple days ago I went back to my doctor to find out the next step since I've been taking amoxicilin. He told me he wanted to keep me on it for another 3 weeks and then see how I am feeling.

I have been feeling good, thank God, and this is my due-time to get sick, and I haven't!! :) (knock on wood)

The thing is I am on 500 mg of amoxicilin a day. Everyday. It is helping me feel better so far, that's just a lot of drugs for me only being 14.

The only things that have been bothering me are headaches, and the occasional stomach ache, but I have not gotten sick like vomit, diarrhea sick, which at this time I usually do.

The doctor suggested to us the Hyperbaric Oxygen way to kill the parasite, but it's hard to know what to do. So for now I am on the amoxicilin. I'm just very thankful it's keeping me from getting sick.

1 comment:

  1. Alexa, I had my first Iron IV today. The Benedryl I had to take before taking my first Iron IV caused me to have severe drowsiness, but next time I should be able to do it without the Benedryl.

    Just waiting to see if I feel better from the Iron. I'm severely deficient so I imagine I will be feeling a lot better soon.
